Business consultancy management solutions. A mergers and Acquisitions company with core competencies in Project Delivery | Strategic Thought Advisor | Agile Problem Solver | Collaborator of Resources In multiple industries

Case study: Intelligence based decision making

Case study: Intelligence based decision making

Context: Capital expenditures (Capex) projects had been ongoing for a Blackstone portfolio company for a number of years and Asset managers were not able to report on the budgeted or actual spend of projects. The presumed budget /spend for the year was around €350m and not having actual spend tracked was a real problem for the Senior Leadership team (SLT).

Action: By working with the SLT, BCMS was tasked with embarking on a project to address this issue by identifying a system that could manage this Capex problem. By applying various business process modelling and requirements elicitation techniques, we were able to identify key problem areas that caused blockages and inefficiencies in the current process. Being able to communicate to all levels of the workforce has enabled us to probe further to get to the root causes of issues where we could offer solutions and exhibit our problem solving skills.

Result: Offering the ‘to be’ process and having approval from the SLT has proved our competency in this field and on this occasion the project progressed over 13 month phase and overall  successful implementation.


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