We are now looking to grow and scale our business by taking on board advisory roles, and or by merging, acquiring or growing with other businesses that may need the experience of expanding across Europe.

Our latest relationships built with PE and growth organisations can help build, grow, scale and prepare the business for an extraordinary wealth generating event.


Business Consultancy Management Solutions (BCMS) provides consultancy to asset managers across the UK. The Director is Steven Hassanali who’s core competency is providing and achieving a high level of service in Transformational change, Strategic leadership and having overall program/ project oversight of Business Analysis/Project Management activities with over 17+ years’ experience.

Being involved in the oversight of projects and a proven track record of managing the full project life cycle consistently ensures that projects/programmes are delivered in line with scope, schedule, budget, risks, outcomes, prioritisation, value and benefits. By being in a position to influence Board members and Senior Leadership teams, projects are complemented with expertise in business process mapping, requirements analysis, and the software development life cycle. The core ERP that has been focused on is Yardi Voyager across the European market.